Activate SKAdNetwork
Instructions to activate SKAdNetwork on your iOS inventory and maximize your revenue with Ogury.
What's SKAdNetwork?
StoreKit Ad Network, or SKAdNetwork, is a privacy-centric framework presented by Apple to provide ad campaigns for iOS apps. It helps ad networks and advertisers measure their ad activity (such as impressions, clicks, and app installs) on an aggregated level while maintaining user privacy.
Why should you activate SKAdNetwork as a publisher?
Since the rollout of iOS14.5, ad campaign performance can no longer be relied on IDFA. Once you support SKAdNetwork, your apps (considered as source apps) become eligible to display ads related to those campaigns and receive then copies of winning postbacks. Thus, it increases monetization opportunities and therefore eCPMs.
How to activate SKAdNetwork?
Step 1. Integrate Ogury iOS SDK to v4.1.2 or above
This iOS version includes support for SKAdNetwork, Apple’s framework for on-device mobile install attribution.
Please refer to your mediation platform documentation for more details about mediation adapters to their iOS-14-compatible versions.
If using CocoaPods to add the Ogury SDK, please make sure to have Minimum CocoaPods version : 1.10.0
Please note that it’s supported on devices running iOS v10.0 or higher
Step 2. Add SKAdNetwork IDs to Info.plist
In order to make your app available to IOS campaigns, you need to:
Add SKAdNetwork IDs of each Ogury partner in the Info.plist file as follows: Please refer to Apple’s documentation on configuring the Info.plist App configuration documentation for more information:
Open Info.plist inside the Xcode Project navigator.
Click the Add button (+) beside a key in the property list editor and press Return.
Enter SKAdNetworkItems and select ‘Array’ in the Type column. (SKAdNetworkItems is An array of dictionaries containing a list of ad network IDs).
Add a dictionary item, then add a single String item inside the dictionary.
For each String item, add SKAdNetworkIdentifier as the key and the ad network identifier as the value.
Here is the list of SKAdNetwork IDs of the partners that Ogury would like to enable SKAdNetwork campaigns with:
APS (Amazon)
IponWeb Performance
You can download Ogury's full list thanks to the link below:
The following example shows an array with two dictionaries that represent the example ad network IDs Ogury and Smadex:
Last updated