Footer Ad
Direct integration of the Footer Ad format into publisher's web pages
Ad Tag Creation
For all the pages where you want to plug Ogury Exclusive Demand (OED) in your website to display an Ogury Footer Ad, copy the following snippet on the placement of your choice inside the page's body.
If you can't or don't want to create the tags by yourself, Ogury can provide a so called Ad Tag. This means that all configuration is done in the Ogury Interface and you don't need to worry about anything. A custom code would look like the tag below and you can use it like any other ad tag:
corresponds to a unique custom code id that Ogury creates for you and will be automatically replaced for you when providing the Ad Tag
Parameter Configuration Details
Below you'll find a list of parameters for the Footer Ad format, that can be used to customize the rendering of the ad. Those parameters have to be defined in the params
HTML Identifier that allows the Footer Ad to render in a predefined HTML container
Prebid.js Notation
Example Value
Example Configurations
Embedding inside an ad slot
It is possible to show the footer ad inside a predefined ad slot in your page for initial positioning.
It is mandatory that ad slot container's CSS position attribute is set to 'sticky', 'fixed' or 'absolute'.
You can enable embedding inside an ad slot by using the ad_slot_selector
parameter. It is based on the javascript querySelector
method and has to be filled with the HTML element identifier of an ad slot in your page. For example, if your ad slot is defined by:
Then, the configuration snippet should contain:
Alternatively you can work with class names, but make sure that they are unique throughout the page:
You can also chain class names by connecting them with dots:
When a footer ad is finished, the ad slot is restored to its initial position.
safe frames are currently not supported as footer ad predefined slots.
Last updated